I have been searching for a bag of dress patterns - some of which I bought in the early 70's, there are a few girls dresses with matching cabbage patch doll clothes that I bought when Kate was about 5, and smocked baby dresses. I emptied out the big cane basket and found a skirt pattern that had been lengthened with pieces from the Green Guide (Nov 17, 1975 - announcing the first episode of a new current affairs show - 60 Minutes), many other odd patterns, recipes and knitting patterns cut from magazines and a number of unfinished embroidery projects.
I knitted and sold many of these cat jumpers - each cat I made had a different colour colour, mine naturally was a diamante one.

A collection of recipes and knitting patterns from magazines circa 1983

DIY cabbage patch doll pattern - I made one for Kate but from a different pattern with a
pre-made head from
The patchwork quilt - started in 1978 after I broke up with Mark - wonder what ever happened to him? The colours are quite disgusting and I have no idea why I picked them at the time and I have no idea what I am going to do with it.

The Willow Pattern cloth is a long way from finished - this was started in about 1985. My mother in law worked for
Semco and had rooms full of linen, threads and lace and I picked out many pieces along the way which I used to do on the train trip to and from work.
The basket was like a time capsule. I loved fine embroidery and have done many pieces over the years - even finishing a tablecloth my mother started before she got married in 1954. My hands can no longer hold a needle for any length of time so I can't see these being finished.
I didn't find that pattern bag.
Hi Karen, thanks for stopping by my blog! I have patterns from when my mum was about my age in the seventies, dresses that I still wear (when I can squeeze into them!) RSPCA days sound very interesting, do post more :-)
Hi Karen - you won! Send me an email to moira_coates@yahoo.com.au with your address and I'll pop a lovely selection of somethings in the post for you!
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