Sunday, January 17, 2010

Holidays are over.....

They seem to go much faster when I don't go away. I did manage to catch up with Wendy for coffee and didn't even touch the surface of what has gone on in our families since we last saw each other - we'd better not leave it so long until the next time.

Going back to work was fun - 40+C and I don't have airconditioning in my office and my old computer hates even warm days. Luckily as the place (1900's terrace house) had been closed up the heat didn't really hit straight away. Boss has airco in his office...

Yesterday I went and saw Avatar with John and the girls - I can't remember the last time John and I were at the movies together. Em was seeing it for the second time - and Bec the third!

I have also done about 50 pages for the albums given to the kids at Southern Cross Kids Camps. Seems a lot but when each album needs 20 pages heaps more are needed. If you can help, the details are in an ealier post.

Tomorrow will be an exciting, although very scarey day for Emily as she starts her course in Animal Welfare at the RSPCA. We are hoping it is a great experience for her.

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