I am a slack blogger....
Not heaps happening around here atm, Bec has just started training in her new boots and is finding it a huge adjustment. The physio is really happy with the them - exactly half the weight of her old ones. I made some bags for her to store them in - her skates cost me heaps so I would prefer she didn't just throw them in her dirty case. Don't you love the unicorns, so appropriate for a 17yo...lol

Bec went to her friend Kat's 17th birthday last Saturday night - it was a goth night. She did a fabulous job with her make-up. It looked even better irl. She borrowed bits and pieces from Em to wear. Kat's dad looked hysterical dressed up in his corset and fishnets a la Rocky Horror - he definitely didn't have the Charles Atlas seal of approval! Kat was an axe murderer's victim. They all had a great time.

Sunday was an Elementary skating comp and Bec was coaching her first skater. Courtney did well for her first figure comp and in her other events won 2 silvers. I made her leo the day before and it hadn't been tried on so there was a bit sigh of relief when it fitted perfectly. It looked really elegant on the floor - love my hot fix crystals!

Tonight is Halloween fundraiser skate at the club so Em is busily deciding how ghoulish she can look. I have orders to pick up black lipstick. I just need to get John to finish mounting my skates - especially if I want to start lessons again. Shhhh.... don't tell him I am planning on competing again after Christmas...he thinks I am too old.....never!
Love the gothic look - were you the make up artist? Lol at the unicorns and gorgeous leotard.
Goodluck with the lessons. You're very brave *wink*
Hey there, thanks for visiting me at Catch a mo...
Dear Karen, Happy Halloween darling, I am sorry I haven't been in touch but I do think of you often, I hope all is well. I have been thinking of ways to get together and I came up with an idea that I think would be fun - how about you, Wendy, Leeanne and I have a scrapbooking evening/night complete with yummy nibbles and wine, lots of laughs and fun. Those are the kinds of things I am trying to do with whatever time I have left, fun things and catching up with people that I want to see. Anyway darling, I will email you about it and we can see what we can come up with. Love to you and big hugs coming over the air ways. Jen xxx
Many thanks for taking the time to drop by Karen :)
Great job on the leo Karen. Bec looks amazing as a goth and the unicorn bag for her skates is a great idea your never to old for mythical creatures I say.
Love the unicorns and the goth look ! Well done to Em on her coaching and to you on the leo :)
See you Tuesday when hopefully we can have a bit more of a chat :)
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