I am a slack blogger....
Not heaps happening around here atm, Bec has just started training in her new boots and is finding it a huge adjustment. The physio is really happy with the them - exactly half the weight of her old ones. I made some bags for her to store them in - her skates cost me heaps so I would prefer she didn't just throw them in her dirty case. Don't you love the unicorns, so appropriate for a 17yo...lol

Bec went to her friend Kat's 17th birthday last Saturday night - it was a goth night. She did a fabulous job with her make-up. It looked even better irl. She borrowed bits and pieces from Em to wear. Kat's dad looked hysterical dressed up in his corset and fishnets a la Rocky Horror - he definitely didn't have the Charles Atlas seal of approval! Kat was an axe murderer's victim. They all had a great time.

Sunday was an Elementary skating comp and Bec was coaching her first skater. Courtney did well for her first figure comp and in her other events won 2 silvers. I made her leo the day before and it hadn't been tried on so there was a bit sigh of relief when it fitted perfectly. It looked really elegant on the floor - love my hot fix crystals!

Tonight is Halloween fundraiser skate at the club so Em is busily deciding how ghoulish she can look. I have orders to pick up black lipstick. I just need to get John to finish mounting my skates - especially if I want to start lessons again. Shhhh.... don't tell him I am planning on competing again after Christmas...he thinks I am too old.....never!