Her precision team skated in the International grade this year - a 5 minute routine rather than the 3 minute one from last year. They automatically gained selection for Nationals. After sewing 180 buttons I am happy that they looked OK on the new costume s. A friend of one mum is a makeup artist and did the dramatic silver and black faces. Bec drove through the Macca's drive through on the way home(the joys of L plates!)then suddenly wondered why the girls serving were looking at her in a strange way - must have been the heavily made up eyes and the black lips.

I am still exhausted from all the last minuted costume making and finishing Bec's leo. Time now to file, finish time sheets and niggly things at work, clean up my office and HAVE 2 WEEKS OFF!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see if my mising mojo returns.
I am off to celebrate New Year's Eve with a coffee and early night. See you next year.
That is just so awesome! I really hope they do well in Perth :)
You've been tagged K...check my blog for the details!
Congratulations to Bec and the team. Wishing them and especailly Bec all the best for Perth.
Congrats to Bec that is fantastic news. Good luck at Perth. I'm sure Bec will do great.
Congratulations to Bec and the team. What an acheivement!
The costumes look fantastic Karen! It was definitely worth all that sewing.
2 weeks off! Sounds like heaven. Just don't spend your time on housework.
Congrats Bec!!! That is awesome!!! Best of luck for Perth!!
Enjoy your time
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