Sunday, September 13, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Where has the year gone?
It's been so long since I posted that I think this will be a dot point of what has been going on and I'll post some pictures later. Better grab your coffee...
- Sean's car was stolen the day after Toni's funeral and later recovered missing everything he owned from inside - including his rubbish
- He had his first accident in Sarah's grandfather's car which he was given when his was taken - and has now 2 months later received an invoice for $13,000.
- Bec skated in the State Championships - silver for figures and precision
- Bec skated in the Australian team at the Oceania championships and her team won gold and has now retired from the team
- She is studying hard for VCE exams and only training 3 days a week now.
- Emily made a decision to try to return to the high school that let her down so badly. It has not been successful yet - but she is now going to a psychologist to help with her anxiety disorder.
- She won an award from her school for attendance - a Pet's Paradise voucher - so now Ziva and Abi have a lovely new wheel to run around in.
- John has been working non stop and emptying his mother's house - a huge stressful job - at the same time. He coped well until the night we finished and it really hit him that he no longer has his parents. His sister as usual did almost nothing except complain.
- I have been working and spent my 2 week break fighting off a lung infection. Bit stressful when you are really not sure what your major client is up to and you know you are deliberately being left out of the loop. At least we can claim "plausible deniability".
- The girls went to the Senior Formal - the theme this year as Masquerade - Bec's friends hired a Hummer limo and had a great afternoon preparing for the night. Emi went too - she and her friend Elissa had spent many afternoons shopping for the "perfect" dress and Em made an elaborate mask.
- Our house has been sold and we are about to pack and moved again - we have accumulated a lot of junk in the 5 years we have been here. so its clean out time.
I'll be back later with the pictorial version...
Sunday, June 7, 2009
So sad....

The update I had planned to write this weekend will have to wait for another day.
Tonight the beautiful Sarah and her two younger brothers lost their mum, and Gavin his fabulous wife. Toni was diagnosed with breast cancer fourteen months ago and was doing well. Her secondary cancer was discovered about 12 weeks ago when she fractured her hip. In the past few weeks after radiation and re-starting chemo her body started to shut down. Two weeks ago we were told she would be lucky to last 2 days. But after being highly sedated and giving her stressed body a rest, Toni amazed everyone by waking up and although the cancer was in her brain by this stage and she would sometimes hallucinate she recognised her family and Sean. They were able to then spend time talking with her - something Sarah though she was going to miss out on. Gavin left the hospital only twice from the time Toni was admitted - once last week while she was stable and asleep - and tonight to come home to tell them of her passing. Toni's father has been staying with the kids. He has now lost his wife and daughter at a young age to breast cancer. Toni's sister and brother in law have also been staying when they can.
I have been very proud of Sean during the past few months. He has taken Toni to doctor's appointments if Gavin was busy and as Toni was unable to drive he and Sarah took on the job of household shopping, picking up her brothers and taking them out with them and generally being a 'big brother' to them. I can always remember him inviting Sarah to his 17th birthday and asking me if I minded Toni ringing to check the details of the party and coming in to meet us when they arrived. Three years later they are still together and he is as much a loved member of their family as Sarah is of ours. Toni used to thank us for letting Sean go away with them - I always thought it should be the other way around.
She was only four weeks older than me.
Bye my friend.
Monday, May 11, 2009
A happy Mothers' Day - my little man is now 20!

Yesterday was one of those special ones when Mothers' Day and Sean's birthday are on the same day - he was 4 days old (and I was still in hospital) on my first one. I made my own coffee - as there is no way I am going to wait nearly 4 hours for them to make me one - and pancakes for everyone. Bec didn't have to work so there was no rushing around which was really lovely. I received a new pair of slippers and vouchers to buy some more Pandora beads for my bracelet from the kids and Sarah bought me some chocolates and beautiful flowers. John and I went out for coffee - and he bought me a lovely new red coffee machine. Sean thinks that we really bought it for him! We went out for dinner with my mother and brother and came home for birthday cupcakes. I was told that if I took the cakes with me - he wouldn't eat with us...lol...Isn't embarrassing your kids part of the job description. Luckily about 10 minutes before we left for dinner I remember that I hadn't made my mother's day card so quickly put one together - and forgot to take a photo.
Looking at my gorgeous children (and I count Sarah as one of them) last night, I feel privileged to be their mother.
Looking at my gorgeous children (and I count Sarah as one of them) last night, I feel privileged to be their mother.
Friday, May 1, 2009
April in review...
I think the last month has gone by in a blur... and it is time to find the winter woollies.
We have spent a large amount of time trying to sort out MIL's house - and it still doesn't look like we have done anything. We filled a 6m rubbish bin and think we will easily need another one. There is a huge supply of wool, jewel cottton, embroidery thread, lace to find a home for - and boxes of doilies Little Granny made (John's grandmother died at 107!) seems such a waste to throw it away. Hopefully it will be on the market after this weekend.
Bec still splits her life between school, training, working and coaching so enjoyed a bit of a break through the holidays. Sean doesn't seem to do anything much (unless Sarah is around...lol). And Em is in a really happy place most of the time now - and loves her newly cut black hair. We did a trip to the Werribee Zoo - nice day out but was a bit disappointed with the lack of animals - seemed even less than when we were there three years ago.
I am still exhausted and by the time I get home from work don't have the energy to do anything much . Not much scrapping happening - only managed one layout for a recipe challenge

Sarah's mum has now started chemo again - after battling breast cancer last year, mets have been found in her hip - causing it to fracture. Still playing tricks on the kids though - she likes to drop a crutch down the stairs so they all start running. Too many friends are battling cancer, either by living with it or caring for someone who is. Your strength is inspiring.
May is birthday month....
We have spent a large amount of time trying to sort out MIL's house - and it still doesn't look like we have done anything. We filled a 6m rubbish bin and think we will easily need another one. There is a huge supply of wool, jewel cottton, embroidery thread, lace to find a home for - and boxes of doilies Little Granny made (John's grandmother died at 107!) seems such a waste to throw it away. Hopefully it will be on the market after this weekend.
Bec still splits her life between school, training, working and coaching so enjoyed a bit of a break through the holidays. Sean doesn't seem to do anything much (unless Sarah is around...lol). And Em is in a really happy place most of the time now - and loves her newly cut black hair. We did a trip to the Werribee Zoo - nice day out but was a bit disappointed with the lack of animals - seemed even less than when we were there three years ago.
I am still exhausted and by the time I get home from work don't have the energy to do anything much . Not much scrapping happening - only managed one layout for a recipe challenge

Sarah's mum has now started chemo again - after battling breast cancer last year, mets have been found in her hip - causing it to fracture. Still playing tricks on the kids though - she likes to drop a crutch down the stairs so they all start running. Too many friends are battling cancer, either by living with it or caring for someone who is. Your strength is inspiring.
May is birthday month....
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
And then there was one.....
It's been a rough couple of weeks around here. My mother-in-law passed away unexpected. She was troubled by her heart flutter and the heart specialist suggested that she be taken to hospital by ambulance as a precautionary measure to have tests done. She had her dog picked up by her niece, chatted to the neighbours and headed off. She had a lovely day there chatting to all the nurses , especially the Irish one - they talked about "home", while they did her tests and at about 3pm they rang John to come and take her home as there were no problems and her specialist would just adjust her medication to keep the problem under control. John arrived at the hospital, parked in the 10 minute spot and went in to collect her to be told to wait outside as she was in resuss. She was being taken to the toilet and collapsed - apparently an embolism had moved into her brain - she never regained consciousness and died around 3.30. John had rung me when he got there so I rushed out from work - but it is still almost an hours drive. His older kids dropped everything and rushed to the hospital to be with him and we all waited there until his sister and nephew arrived at about 7 so we could break the news to her and take her to see her mother.
The funeral was last Tuesday, with over 150 family members and friends there - she was a well liked woman. This day was also John's 55th birthday - so a hard day for him. After the service and afternoon tea at John Allison all 5 of his children and their partners and his sister and nephew came back to our place and we had a birthday cake to end the day on a positive note. I cannot remember the last time everyone was together for his birthday.
At this stage we are planning on sending her home to Nthn Ireland.
There will be huge amount of work to empty the house and sell it but for now it can wait.
We have now lost 3 parents in 3 years and that is enough!! My father was sick but John's parent's were fit and healthy and both died suddenly.
My mother has been warned - play bowls, go to Tai Chi, babysit your new grandson but more than anything else - enjoy every minute, we want you here for a longtime yet.
The funeral was last Tuesday, with over 150 family members and friends there - she was a well liked woman. This day was also John's 55th birthday - so a hard day for him. After the service and afternoon tea at John Allison all 5 of his children and their partners and his sister and nephew came back to our place and we had a birthday cake to end the day on a positive note. I cannot remember the last time everyone was together for his birthday.
At this stage we are planning on sending her home to Nthn Ireland.
There will be huge amount of work to empty the house and sell it but for now it can wait.
We have now lost 3 parents in 3 years and that is enough!! My father was sick but John's parent's were fit and healthy and both died suddenly.
My mother has been warned - play bowls, go to Tai Chi, babysit your new grandson but more than anything else - enjoy every minute, we want you here for a longtime yet.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
A quick catch up....
I don't think that anyone drops in these days so if you do let me know.

Emily now has two new baby rats - Abi and Ziva. They are so tiny but bundles of energy and love to trash their house at night.
I just seem to work and play taxi. I have only managed to do one layout recently.
Bazzill cardstock, Heidi Swapp Masks, chipboard heart and clear bird, Tim Holtz Distress Ink, Autumn leaves flower stamp, TLC rub ons, Kaisercraft jewels, Paperdoll letters, Green tara flower, kindy glitz & scrap felt.
The month so far:-
Bec has had her first comp for the year and got bronze. Back to the physio though to try and keep her foot in one piece. She is still training five days a week, coaching and put every waking minute into her year 12 studies.

Sean and Sarah went to her year 12 formal - and both looked fabulous.

And Lachie is getting bigger and more cuddly every day!

Monday, March 2, 2009
Bye Nat...

I have been to the vet tonight with Em - and we no longer have Nat. Julie our vet was amazed at how old she was - getting to 3 is a rare achievement for a rat. Looks like she had either pneumonia or a tumour in her lungs and Em made the decision for euthanasia. She wasn't going to stay in the room as she was so upset but decided to stay with me and hold Nat as she was sedated. She is so good when it comes to her animals - and Nat's welfare was more important than hers at that time. I am very proud of her.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Our new little angel...
The last week has been a write off - bacterial gastroenteritis or food poisoning. Pro-biotic drinks are supposed to fill your stomach with good bacteria - this one did exactly the opposite. For 4 days I had 40C temperatures, a permanent booking on the loo, total dehydration and lost 4 kg. I haven't been at work for over a week and been too sick to enjoy the time off. I am pleased to report that I have missed absolutely nothing on Days of our Lives since I last watched it 15 years ago. Just can't figure out why they keep looking younger!
I have made a new recipe file - I used a Martha Stewart flip photo album and the recipes will slide in the plastic pockets to keep them clean. Maybe oneday I might even cook....

Monday, February 9, 2009

There came a day in February
That had us all in shock
A time when the south east of Australia
Was hit by a fiery rock
The country just exploded
Into a huge fireball
And in its path spared nothing
Intent on taking it all
The CFA and others
Were there to fight the fight
And we at home were watching
The devastation and the fright
One cannot imagine
What folks are going through
As they wait for news on loved ones
And the others that they knew
They are always believing
That they will soon be seen
Some are already grieving
Where the hell could they have been?
Sometimes the word is positive
Often it’s not so good
Some have lost a place to live
Where every family should
We pray to God for strength and hope
As they face what lies ahead
How the hell are they going to cope?
So much fear - so much dread.
Australians we know how to fight
As we observe the strife
So dig in deep with all our might
To give them back their life
Monday – 9 February 2009
It has been an horrific week in Victoria with fire raging all over the state. John's ex-wife and her husband - a member of the local CFA - are in Murrundindi and have been isolated on their property by the fires - it is worrying for his children. At this time they are safe. Luckily Emily doesn't have to go to her school in Yea for another couple of weeks - this of course may now change depending on the fire activity.
The poem is written by my friend Jo in Queensland, thank you for allowing me to post it here.
The photograph credit is seven.com.au
To all the firefighters, and others putting their lives on the line for us. Thank you.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
January has nearly gone...
And I haven't posted since the first...
Bec has been working, training and had a brilliant skating seminar with Jodie Johnson-Garufo - a fantastic coach and former coach of Skate Australia - our World's precision team. Her team has been selected to skate for Australia at the Oceania Championships to be held in Melbourne in July.
I managed to get a few layouts done for a cyber crop at Chookscraps

Last Friday I spent the morning in hospital for tests as there were some disturbing signs on my last CT scan and my doctor suspected that I may have cancer - the good news is that all is fine and nothing a few (well quite a few really...) kilos off and a total diet change can't keep under control. I just have to be reviewed every two years now. I have to now get my achilles tendonitis (probably Nintendo-itis) and arthritis under control so I can go back to exercising properly again.
A big happy 40th tomorrow to Jen and a happy 20th to Sean T.
Em and her friends have been to Luna Park and had such a fun time. I dropped them off and went into the office to have a cuppa with Euan. They all got matching tattoos and Em was quite disappointed when hers finally washed off.

I managed to get a few layouts done for a cyber crop at Chookscraps

Last Friday I spent the morning in hospital for tests as there were some disturbing signs on my last CT scan and my doctor suspected that I may have cancer - the good news is that all is fine and nothing a few (well quite a few really...) kilos off and a total diet change can't keep under control. I just have to be reviewed every two years now. I have to now get my achilles tendonitis (probably Nintendo-itis) and arthritis under control so I can go back to exercising properly again.
A big happy 40th tomorrow to Jen and a happy 20th to Sean T.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
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