Create 08 - OMG - in all the years I have been scrapbooking I have never done a live class and now I have really been initiated. I haven't been to Wattle Park since I left school and I refuse to say how many years ago that was. Some things don't change - especially the Chalet. The classes were fast and furious and Heidi Swapp was a delight. Loved the techique class! And its always more fun with friends - spending time with Wendy, Leeanne, Willisa, Susan, Kim and Deb was great as I rarely get to see the PD girls these days - not that there was much time for chatting. Susan won the door prize - how typical! Hit the ProShop at the golf club for a real coffee to recharge the batteries and I came home with a new driver - well who could resist the lovely pink shaft...just got to get out and play.

Old photos (10 years or over): -

Next one was for Chook Scraps - using Christmas colours for this challenge.

Emily had her school presentation day at Fun Fields in Whittlesea - I am loving Eastlink - saved me nearly half and hour each way. And so different to last year - this time she was off with her friends as soon as we got through the gate. She was rapt that Nat - who moved to Healesville earlier this year - was there too. She loved driving the go karts. And I loved the report and the comments from her teachers!
Bec did really well with her Year 11 subjects and passed Year 12 Further Maths. Yeasterday she spent the day in the city with a friend and they went to the aquarium (appropriate for a future conservation biologist and zoo keeper!) and went up to the Skydeck at Eureka Tower. They thought it was so cool.
We had the usual Sunday before Christmas with John's family - his 2yo grandson James was hilarious and we given the exciting news that Chris and Tamara are expecting their first - so he will have another grandchild in June.
Our Christmas was lovely - Bec had gone on a huge present buying spree this year but the nicest thing was what she had written on cards to John, Em and me. Very thoughtful. We went at watched a light show at a house on Olivers Hill on Christmas Eve. Christmas dinner was at my mother's - only 11 this year with my brother and partner, Sean and Sarah, and Kathy away and Tom no longer with us - she did a fabulous job.
Nanny playing Santa:-
Nanny playing Santa:-

The pudding made to my grandmother's recipe and bought to the table to be lit:-

Sean has been in Qld for a month with Sarah's family. Her mum has finished chemo now and wanted a holiday to celebrate. Pity she picked up a really nasty cold which she gave to everyone except Sean and Sarah. They got back yesterday so we made the girls wait until last night to open the last of their presents - a Wii and Wii Fit - and it wasn't to be set up until today - I am such a mean mother!
Congratulations if you have made it his far - I am on holidays now until the 12th Jan so now the mad rush is over I can hopefully relax and recharge the batteries.
Its' nearly 2009!