It's been such a busy week I have hardly had time to come up for air. You might need a coffee!
Sunday was Mother's Day - got up made my own coffee and breakfast which, after talking to
Jen, wasn't necessarily a bad thing! John went into work early and the kids slept in until late.
Bec also worked in the afternoon so I didn't get my presents until then. We went to the
chinese restaurant at Patterson Lakes for dinner with my mother, MIL, brother, uncle (from
Tassie), the 5 of us and Sarah,
Sean's girlfriend. The service wasn't good, but I don't think they have had that many people in for a long time. Didn't stop us enjoying the night together. MIL was not at all well and managed to give her bugs to Em - the world's worst patient. Hopefully by Monday she will be OK for school.
My presents!
I framed my Mother layout for her - she loved it.
My mother's card

Mother in law's "Scratchie" card
Sarah turned 17 this week and she and Sean celebrated her birthday and their 2nd anniversary with her family at their favourite chinese restaurant in Springvale. Toni (Sarah's lovely mum) has had her first chemo finally. Yay - one done, five to go. She went back to work this week for the first time since her surgery - a great morale booster.
Work was frantic and I spend half my time keeping my boss from stressing out. Major tax lodgment deadlines and our major client group was incomplete due to stuff ups on their end. When you are dealing with tax bills of $1.5M due to be paid by Thursday it has to be right. The sign off meeting went really well - a major shock to him! Don't you just love it when they can just turn around and order their minions to just pay it! Got all my extension applications in for other clients on time - so all in all it was a productive week.
Let there be light! After about 10 cancelled visits from one company, the agent arranged a different electrician and Em has a light in her bedroom - she has only had a lamp for 2 months. Now let's see how quickly the range hood gets done - I've only been waiting 3 years.....
My mother and uncle dropped over yesterday for morning tea . Amazing how quickly you can clean the house when you need to! (and how ten minutes after Dh gets home the dining room table is covered in **** again!!!). Whipped up some yummy banana mini muffins.
You made it to here - well done! Now I'd better get ready to spend the day driving Bec between skating rinks - and I think I will need the jumpers and coat - doesn't look too nice outside today.
Catch you later......