I can't believe it is the 22nd already - this month is really flying. And I haven't posted for nearly 2 weeks so you'd better grab a coffee.
Bec's had another skating competition (but not done as well as she had hoped) and is studying hard. Sean is doing well at TAFE but not having the same luck with his car. It was broken into out the front of our place - they only took some coins he had in a hidden compartment leaving huge quantities of CD's and other things in the car. We have noticed 2 other cars in the street have been broken into since them - they always go in through the drivers door and leave it ajar. Today he had the valve caps stolen from his tyres. Em is still loving her school and is off to Yea again next week.
Survivor competition finished this week our last 2 layouts were to convert our 6 x 12 from the previous week into a 12 x 12 and to do a layout on mothers using no photographs.

Wendy dropped in for a coffee on Friday - it was lovely to see her. Friday doesn't quite seem the same without having a coffee and chat with her.
Emily and I cybercropped on the weekend. I only got one layout done - a blind crop - very strange working with instructions and no idea what the end result will be. Em had to do a layout about me.

Sunday Em and I dusted off the bikes, attached the rack and drove to Chelsea Park. We then rode to Patterson Lakes via the bike track through the wetlands, along the river bank then stopped at my mother for a drink (and to give the poor body a bit of a break) the rode back again. I haven't been out on my bike for nearly 18 months so I was happy that I survived. Could be the gel seat I have - poor Em wasn't so lucky so I think I had better get her one too.

Today it is Sarah's (Sean's girlfriend) mum, Toni's birthday so sent Sean over tonight with a card and he bought her some flowers. She was supposed to start chemo tomorrow but it has been postponed as she hasn't healed as well hoped from surgery. We are praying for a full recovery.

All done for now, congratulations if you made it through!